Tuesday, 28 October 2008


As I type this it is snowing. Yes, unbelievable I know, but true. I'm not sure what's the earliest date for snow in London but I'm guessing this is pretty early. Though summer was pretty bad, so snow in July would not have been a surprise. Now, for those who think I am making this up, I will provide some photographic evidence, keeping in mind it is night, but I think the evidence will show that it is indeed snowing.

Just like when the Germans got stuck in Russia in '43.

Snow when you look up the street . . . .

. . . . and when you look back down it too.

Krystle, looking very excited, Katie and Jeremy less so!

Merv thinkng 'Oh no, not again!'

As a comparison check out this BBC News link.

And our Spanish cousins get snow too.

Though apparently we aren't the only ones getting 'unseasonal' weather.

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