Sunday, 19 October 2008

Replace I with Q for a good time

The cryptic title, is there anything more challenging to the mind. A good cryptic title, makes you think, causes that furrowing of the brow, then, as the puzzle is broken, that broad smile that breaks across your face as that feeling of superiority rolls across your soul and for a moment you feel as if you belong to a special club that is only for those of the correct level of cleverness and wit. Unfortunately, this is not one of those occasions. This title is not that clever.

Instead, the title serves as a shorthand way of introducing how we went to London for the London Eye and instead ended up at the risqué puppet musical 'Avenue Q'. The London Eye is over-rated anyway, though depending on who you speak to, not really rated at all. Unable to access our tickets for the eye and finding the staff who don't speak English in England completely unhelpful, we jumped on a bus heading towards Picadilly Circus to consider our options.

By the time we arrived in Central London, we had decided to take the short walk to Leicester Square to see what theatre tickets may be available for an afternoon show. With Grease sold out we decided on a five o'clock show for Avenue Q. With four hours to kill, Krystle guided us to a cafe and bar that she and Robbie had visited the day Dad and I had been at the cricket. It was a good choice and we had a lovely lunch at a reasonable price for the area we were in. Having eaten and with the sun shining we found a pub near the theatre where we could sit, drinking a bottle of wine.

The show was entertaining . If you've never heard of it, the show is basically an adult version of Sesame Street and includes songs such as "It Sucks to be Me", "Everyone's a Little Bit Racist" and "If you were Gay" and includes a gay character and another called Lucy the Sl*t. It is quite funny, but no where near as offensive as we thought it might be. Certainly a Nun would walk out, but I think the Priest would stay till the end. Still it was a good evening out anyway and our first show since 'Spam-a-lot'. As Krystle was promised a show a month, we are way down after our first year, unfortunately the 'Credit Crunch' has conspired against us.

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