Monday, 7 April 2008

Snow, Snow, Snow, Snow, Snow, Snow, Snow

The view from our bedroom window first thing in the morning.

And this is the view out the front of our place. There was so much more snow then how much there was at Easter.

So now you can see that yesterday (Sun 6th of April) was one of the coldest April days in many years, the result being the country was virtually covered from north to south in snow. The irony is that Friday was the warmest day of the year so far, where temeratures of around 18 or 19 degrees were recorded across the country. And let me tell you after winter when the temps struggle to reach 7 or 8 degrees, approaching 18 feels so warm.

What it looked like up . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . and down our street in the snow.

Our crappy garden had never looked so pretty.

Is it a picture from Santa's village in the Nth Pole, no its downtown Goodmayes in Greater London.

The poor little mini didn't know what had hit him.

Against this backdrop of escalating temperatures was Krystle and her desire to see more snow. She refused to believe it wasn't possible for it not to snow again. The small taste at Easter had only served to whet her appetite. And so it was proven, that if you are very good and wish hard enough dreams do come true. It snowed for about 6 hours on Sunday morning and left our neighbourhood, like most, looking like a picturesque winter wonderland. We took a walk to see and experience the snow, rugged up in winter clothes long since discarded in the euphoria of radiating sunbeams that had banished the cold for another year. We frantically recollected the necessary attire and the following pictures will serve better to show you what we saw, and let you reflect on our disappointment this morning when we awoke to find that predictions of further snow had proven inaccurate. Still there's hope as Wednesday morning has similar predictions. It will surely be our last chance to see the snow this year as snow seems extremely rare in November and December in London, but crazier things have happened.

One of our locals looking snowed in. Hope their cellar is fully stocked.

These pictures are from our local park. It was great for pictures of how much snow had fallen during the morning.

A snowman some local kids had made. Looks easy enough. So Krystle thought she'd have a try.

Pretty good for a first attempt. She, of course, is hoping to have many days to practise.


Anonymous said...

Loving the blogs guys - your little street looks so cute with all the matching houses!! Stay warm!! xox

Anonymous said...

... and here I am thinking the crappy 21 / 22 degree days in Sydney are cold !!!

Glad you got some snow guys, great pics.

Anonymous said...

They are some great pictures wish we could be there, its looks fun!
