Having just realised that it will be four months since we last posted on this by this time next week, but I plead writer’s block, no temporary insanity, no I got it, sudden onset illiterate syndrome, that’s the one. Very rare, difficult to cure, only one known physician in the world who can treat it and having the condition de-habilitates your ability to read or write, makes it difficult to find the doctor. No worry though, all cured now. Feel much better, thanks for asking.
Luckily this condition isn’t contagious so we have actually been doing a surprisingly large amount since we last posted, none of which shall be written about now. Each major occurrence will get its own blog posting with appropriate pictures and be enjoyed as a separate experience rather than just being a bunch of stuff that happened. So here’s what has happened in the last (almost) four months in no particular order:
Hold up. That’s where we’ll start from. It has been quite a busy time the last few months. Paul and Robbie of course were here in May, very demanding, take up lots of time, will buy you dinner though so they’re really quite ok. We then decided to move. I had been looking at getting a new job out of London for the 2008-09 school year, but didn’t tell my Head-teacher, who unfortunately found out. Anyway, I didn’t have a new job, so in June I asked her (after giving her a full month to calm down, the British really are the biggest drama queens) if I could stay for another year. Having settled that, we started looking for a new place to live. Everything in our price range was fairly mediocre and we sent some considerable time looking at places that we really weren’t happy with. Krystle then found us some potential housemates and we vetted them thoroughly and began looking for a place for four rather than two. As I write this they are still about three or so weeks from even arriving in the country. They are an American couple who seem very friendly. Krystle rung them and was on the phone to Katie for an hour, before I spoke to her for five minutes, then Krystle spoke to her for another hour. So they might get on ok. We decided that although Goodmayes is obviously the cultural capital of
London that we would look in a different area and found a nice place in a suburb called
Leytonstone. It’s a nice little cafey (yes I know that’s not a word) type suburb (reminds us a little of the Darby St area in Newcastle), close to the tube, ten minutes from Stratford – Home of the Other Olympic Games, and twenty five minutes into London. It takes me little longer to get to work, from thirty seconds before to thirty minutes now, but it’s an easy trip by tube and train and I generally go against the rush. Here are some pictures, and I promise, more blogs will follow!